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Creating decorator nodes


Lexical Vue decorators uses the Teleport component so make sure you've installed Vue >= 3.2.0.

Decorator node is a way to embed non-text components into the editor. It can be media embeds like videos, tweets, instagram posts or more complex components with its own internal state.

Here's an example of how you can create a decorator node for embedding a video:

import type { Component } from 'vue'
import { h } from 'vue'

export class VideoNode extends DecoratorNode<Component> {
  __url: string

  static getType(): string {
    return 'video'

  static clone(node: VideoNode): VideoNode {
    return new VideoNode(node.__url, node.__key)

  constructor(url: string, key?: NodeKey) {
    this.__url = url

  createDOM(config: EditorConfig): HTMLElement {
    const div = document.createElement('div') = 'contents'
    return div

  updateDOM(): false {
    return false

  setURL(url: string): void {
    const writable = this.getWritable()
    writable.__url = url

  decorate(): Component {
    return h('iframe', {
      src: this.__url,
      frameborder: '0',
      width: 560,
      height: 315,
      allowfullScreen: true,
      title: 'A youtube vid'

export function $createVideoNode(url: string): VideoNode {
  return new VideoNode(url)

export function $isVideoNode(node?: LexicalNode) {
  return node instanceof VideoNode

type CommandPayload = string
export const INSERT_VIDEO_COMMAND: LexicalCommand<CommandPayload> = createCommand()

As any other custom Lexical node, decorator nodes need to be registered before they are used by passing them in the editor config. A common pattern is to register custom nodes as a part of a plugin that uses those nodes. It's also a great place to define commands that will insert those custom nodes into the editor:

<LexicalComposer :initial-config="{ ...restOfConfig, nodes: [VideoNode] }">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue'
import { useEditor } from 'lexical-vue'
import { $createVideoNode, INSERT_VIDEO_COMMAND } from './VideoNode'

const editor = useEditor()

let unregisterListener: () => void

onMounted(() => {
  // Similar with command listener, which returns unlisten callback
  unregisterListener = editor.registerCommand(
    (url) => {
      // Adding custom command that will be handled by this plugin
      editor.update(() => {
        const selection = $getSelection()
        if (selection !== null)


      // Returning true indicates that command is handled and no further propagation is required
      return true

onUnmounted(() => {

<template />

Then assuming we have a some UE insert a video into the editor:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useEditor } from 'lexical-vue'
import { INSERT_VIDEO_COMMAND } from './VideoNode'

const editor = useEditor()

function insertVideo(url: string) {
  editor.dispatchCommand(INSERT_VIDEO_COMMAND, url)

  <button @click="insertVideo('some_youtube_embed_url')">
    Add video

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